Every now and again, a gig comes along that you just know you have to go to. Last night's Pussy Riot gig in the Opium Rooms in Dublin was one such gig.
For those who don't know, Pussy Riot is a Russian feminist protest and performance art group based in Moscow (thanks Wikipedia) with various members having spent up to two years in Russian prisons for acting on their beliefs. I'd suggest doing a deep dive online for more information.
Anyway, on to last night's show. It was, without doubt, the gig of the year for me. Did I understand a word of it? Nope, but thankfully, on the screen behind them, there was an English translation of what they were singing/reciting. It was an incredible, powerful display, full of anger and rage, but also hope for what might come.
Mind you, some of that anger and rage was directed towards the sound desk last night as on more than a few occasions the sound blanked out! Also, what the hell are venues thinking using red and blue lights. It's incredibly tiring on punters eyes, it makes everything far too dull and, depending on where you're located onstage, you might not be seen by anyone! It's not like they don't have a full lighting rig to use, they just chose not to, and this, according to others, is a regular occurrence.
Anyway, I didn't get many shots. As I said, the lighting sucked and when that's the case, you just hope you can rescue some of the shots. So here are my 'rescues':