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Showing posts from January, 2019

2024-08-02 Tribfest - North Kildare Sports Club, Kilcock

No one, and I mean no one, goes to TribFest to be cool.  After all, it's hard to look cool dancing to the music of Joe Dolan, ABBA, Tom Jones, Cher or Queen, well, maybe Queen, but... No, people go to TribFest to party, to listen to great music and most of all, to have fun.  Fun, that's the most important part of a festival, and it was in abundance this year! The festival was a three day affair this time out and, for the first time, kicked off with a night dedicated to hard rock and metal, featuring IE/DC (AC/DC), Live Lizzy (Thin Lizzy), Whiplash (Metallica) , Guns Reloaded (Guns n' Roses), and Legendary (Bon Jovi).  Was it loud?  Yes, yes it was.  Did it rock?  Most certainly!  Were the leather clad crowd entertained?  Most definitely.  What a way to kick off TribFest! Live Lizzy Whiplash Legendary Guns Reloaded IE/DC Night two of TribFest was a much more relaxed affair with sets from Mairead Rooney (Shania Twain), The Classic Beatles (The Beatles), Will Power (Joe Dolan)

2019-01-19 Ones to Watch - Whelans Dublin

Well would you look at that, it’s 2019 already. 2018 was some year for gigs, I’ve a feeling that 2019 might top it though! I finished my 2018 gigs  in Whelans , so whey not start my 2019 gigs there also! Tonight was the third or fourth night of the Whelans Ones to Watch 2019 festival and Ansonix , a good friend of the IrishMusicParty , was headlining the Friday night, so off I went.  It’s hard to describe the music Ansonix plays, but imagine crossing a Sega Megadrive with Amadeus and you’ll get some idea.  Check him out, it’s good stuff! OK, so that’s the reason I was there out of the way.  The first band I got to see on the night were  Jooce  and they were a throw back to 70s psychedelic rock. Well worth checking out. The gig used both venues at Whelans, which meant I was wandering around the place catching bits of bands here and there.  The next band I got to see were from Mullingar and they were just funktastic! Who were they?  Well they’re called  Bobby and the Blunts  and I

2018-12-31 Mik Pyro - Whelans Dublin

My last gig of 2018 on the last night of 2018…  For a variety of reasons, I needed a break from my normal New Years Eve celebrations, so when a chance to go see  Mik Pyro  in  Whelans  with a friend arose, well, I jumped at it. For those that don’t know, Mik Pyro was the front man of the brilliant Republic of Loose.  Unfortunately, like many great Irish bands, the ‘Loose’ are no longer together, but that doesn’t stop Mik from playing some of their classics! In between new material from Mik, we heard old Loose tracks like  Comeback Girl ,  The Steady Song ,  Aaagh  and a few others. As New Years Eve parties go, this one was hard to beat. Anyway, it’s 2019 now, time to start planning some new gigs for this year! Check out the photos below: