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Showing posts from April, 2022

2024-07-05 Sugababes - Iveagh Gardens, Dublin

I've been a Sugababes fan since I first heard Overload way back in 2000.  It was, and still is, a pop classic.  Over the years, I managed to catch them live a couple of times.   The first time I caught Sugababes live was way back at Creamfields 2002.  Unfortunately Siobhan had left the band by then and been replaced by Heidi, so I never got to see the original lineup.  Did it matter much at the time to me?  No, not at all, I was just their to party!  As a side note, post Sugababes, Siobhan went on to release two solo albums, Revolution in Me in 2003 and Ghosts in 2007. The next time I saw them was at Oxegen 2008, and by then Mutya had left the band and was replaced by Amelle, leaving Keisha as the only remaining original member.  It was a tad strange seeing the band with only one remaining member, but again, it was a festival and all we were looking for was a good time, which we definitely got! Another side note, just like Siobhan, Mutya went on to release her own solo work, a gr

2022-04-29 Ciarán Moran - Whelan's Dublin

The las time I saw  Ciarán play was way back in April 2019 when he played the, now defunct, Underground, in Dublin, so I was due a visit to see him live! I like Ciarán, I like his live shows, he's a good, honest, hardworking performer who wears his heart on his sleeve.  If you were in Whelan's on Friday night, you'd have noticed, fairly quickly,  that his fanbase is mainly Dubliners and they are very, very vocal in their support! Fantastic gig, really enjoyed it and you can see why the guys in Aslan like to have him support them! Speaking of support, Hawk the Band and Niall McNamee played support for Ciarán.  Both were excellent, really enjoyed their sets and wouldn't mind seeing them live again. Now for some photos.  First up Ciarán: Now for Hawk the Band: Finally, Niall McNamee:

2022-04-28 Keely - The Grand Social, Dublin

I'd been trying to see Keeley live for a while now, but between lockdowns and scheduling problems, it just never happened, until tonight! I'd listened to ' Brave Warrior ', over lockdown and really enjoyed it, so when the chance popped up to see them live in The Grand Social , I jumped at it. Also playing were One Morning in August , who I'd previously seen in Whelan's back in February. Anyway, between meeting old friends and Twitter friends, making new friends and the great music, a fantastic night was had! Definitely worth checking out Keeley live when you get a chance! Now for some photos. First up are Keeley. Now for some One Morning in August.

2022-04-22 Chuck Ragan - Whelan's Dublin

Back at the start of March '21, I got a message from through Instagram from and old friend, that a guy called  Chuck Ragan  was going to play Whelans in April '22 and that I should buy a ticket! Although the gig was 13 months away and I'd no idea who Chuck was, this friend would rarely steer me wrong when it came to music, so I trusted him and I bought the ticket that day. Fast forward 13 months and the gig finally came around this week, so off I set to Whelan's of Wexford Street to meet up friends and and enjoy the gig.   Now, because I was meeting up with friends, I decided I'd leave the old DSLR at home. It's big, it's a tad bulky and, well, you never know what's going to happen or where you'll end up when you meet up with old friends!  Not liking to leave home without a camera, I took my small, pocket friendly, Sony DSC HX60 with me.  In hindsight, that was a bad idea! Anyway... The gig was superb.  I knew nothing about the guy or his music, ap

2022-04-13 Klubber Lang - Workmans Club Cellar, Dublin

I'd been waiting a while to see Klubber Lang play live.  I stumbled on to them during lockdown and thought they sounded incredible. Last week, I finally got to see them perform live and I wasn't disappointed.  I don't really review gigs here, it's not my forte, so there's not a lot more to say about it other than it was just damn good, loud, gig and everyone seemed into it!.   Side note here, the gig was in The Workman's Club new downstairs venue, The Cellar, which opened towards the end of the pandemic.  It's an absolutely beautiful new venue, I really like it. Also on the line-up, playing support, were First Class and Coach .   Again, another band I stumbled across during lockdown and, like Klubber Lang above, they also play really loud rock music!  They put on a great show and would highly recommend them. So, if you like loud, angry rock music, you should really check out both these bands on Bandcamp  an then go catch them live! Now for some photos.  Fi

2022-04-09 Vernon Jane - The Sugar Club, Dublin

So, there I was, flicking through Twitter last Wednesday evening, trying to find a gig to go to at the weekend.  Nothing was peaking my interest, so, as I've done before, I asked the Twitter folk. Two hours later, I received a message from Vernon Jane saying they'd add me to the guest list for their gig in the Sugar Club the coming Saturday. Obviously I said yes! Mind you, I had to do a bit of research as I'd not heard their music before!  Popped over to YouTube and liked what  heard! Roll on Saturday night and I headed in to Dublin.  I got there early as I like to catch the support acts.  On the line-up tonight there were two acts, Andi and Havvk .  I'd heard of Havvk before, but never seen them live.  Andi was a newcomer to me. First onstage was Andi accompanied by a familiar face, Saoirse Duane of Wyvern Lingo fame.  Andi possesses a fantastic rock voice and, along with Saoirse's sublime guitar playing, it made for a great start to the night. Next up were Ha