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Showing posts from October, 2020

2024-07-05 Sugababes - Iveagh Gardens, Dublin

I've been a Sugababes fan since I first heard Overload way back in 2000.  It was, and still is, a pop classic.  Over the years, I managed to catch them live a couple of times.   The first time I caught Sugababes live was way back at Creamfields 2002.  Unfortunately Siobhan had left the band by then and been replaced by Heidi, so I never got to see the original lineup.  Did it matter much at the time to me?  No, not at all, I was just their to party!  As a side note, post Sugababes, Siobhan went on to release two solo albums, Revolution in Me in 2003 and Ghosts in 2007. The next time I saw them was at Oxegen 2008, and by then Mutya had left the band and was replaced by Amelle, leaving Keisha as the only remaining original member.  It was a tad strange seeing the band with only one remaining member, but again, it was a festival and all we were looking for was a good time, which we definitely got! Another side note, just like Siobhan, Mutya went on to release her own solo work, a gr

2020-10-02 Denise Chaila - Dolans Limerick

The Beatles in the Adelphi Cinema in Dublin... U2 in the Dandelion Market... Nirvana in the Top Hat, Dun Laoghaire... You'll here people say 'Oh yeah, I was there, it was incredible!'.  Now, if everyone who says they were there actually were, these venues would hold thousands, not hundreds! Why am I saying that?  Well, Friday night last, I was in Dolans in Limerick to see the incredible Denise Chaila launch her mixtape, Go Bravely .  It was one of those gigs that will be talked about for years to come. It was a small crowd, 50, maybe 60 people, but that's only because of the current COVID Restrictions.  Tickets sold out in 1 minute online, that should give you some idea of how popular this gig was!  In fact, she even put on an earlier gig at 7:30 due to demand! Supported onstage by God Knows and  MuRli Bo   (bloody great  performers in their own right!) and DJ Replay on the decks, it was a non stop party.  Obviously, the biggest response on the night was to C H A I L