2022-03-26 Buskers on Grafton Street, Dublin

I took a walk around Dublin today,  thought I'd check out the buskers on Grafton Street.  

There's a fine history of busking in Dublin, acts like Hothouse FlowersThe FramesRodrigo y GabrielaDamien RicePaddy CaseyKodaline and a host of others all cut their teeth on and around Grafton Street.  It stands to reason that some of those busking today will be successful in the future!

So, who did I get to see today?  Well, check out the photos below:

Zoe Clarke

Allie Sherlock

Paul Jenkinson


Greatest goalkeeper never to play for Ireland at any level. A failed rock star. Now I take pretty pictures of Rock n' Roll, Burlesque and Political Activism.

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