2022-12-19 Eimear Quinn - Live at St.Mary's Church, Maynooth

I've a thing for Christmas Carols...  I'm not exactly religious, but they bring back memories of some good times growing up.  For example, my first ever concert was a Frank Patterson Christmas show in a church in Saggart, Dublin.

So, when I got asked to pop over to Maynooth and take some photos of Eurovision 1996 winner, Eimear Quinn as she performed her Christmas Concert, I obviously said yes and, thinking my mum would enjoy the occasion, I brought her along as my assistant!

It was every bit as good as I imagined it would be.  Eimear performed a mix of classic Christmas Carols and her own songs, in Irish, English and German.  Her version of Stille Nacht brought me right back to being an 11 year old schoolkid and having to learn Stille Nacht so we could perform it at a Christmas mass.  Oh and as it happens, my mum loved the show, so that was aa bonus.

Anyway, enough about that, on to the photos:


Greatest goalkeeper never to play for Ireland at any level. A failed rock star. Now I take pretty pictures of Rock n' Roll, Burlesque and Political Activism.

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