Interview with Melody Sweets

Originally published March 2015 on

A couple of weeks back, we brought you our guide of things to do in Las Vegas.  One of them was to go to see Absinthe in the grounds of Caesars Palace.  The star of the show and the Queen of Las Vegas Burlesque is the beautiful Melody Sweets and we were lucky enough to grab a few moments of her time.

Hi Melody, nice to have you here on Have you managed to make it across the waters and visit Ireland yet? I visited Las Vegas, it’s the least you could do in return!

Hi! I have not made it over to Ireland yet! It sounds cold! Haha. I’d love to visit during the summer, when would you recommend?

I’d recommend anytime to be honest… It’s the one season all year round!

So, perhaps you can tell us a bit about yourself and how you got started in the wonderful world of Burlesque? Is there a history of performing in your family?

There is a history of artists in my family. My father was a drummer, my mother was a painter, my great grandparents met in a band , my great grandmother was a singer, my great grandfather was a musician, and I just found out a couple years ago that my grandmother was an opera singer!

I didn’t know that my family had a history of performing when I began my singing career. Burlesque, and singing, both kind of fell in my lap! I started out singing in cover bands and eventually started writing my own songs and doing my own thing!

A very bad photo of Melody Sweets that I took on a Samsung Galaxy SIII

I went to see Absinthe while I was in Las Vegas and thought it was a fantastic show, what Vegas is all about. How did you get involved with the show?

Thank you! Absinthe’s producer was in the audience at one of my weekly shows in NYC… that led to me joining the Absinthe cast in New York City in 2009, and eventually over to Australia for a month when they were a part of the Australian Tennis Open. .. and now Las Vegas!!

I’ve tried to explain Absinthe to friends, but I don’t think they get it… When the general public hear Burlesque, they think “strippers with feathers”. Do these preconceived misconceptions annoy you?

Of course they don’t! I love strippers with feathers!

Strippers, Feathers, Nipple Tassels…

You work in Las Vegas for one of the best shows in town, you must have some good behind the scenes stories. Any you’d care to share with us?

Some of the best backstage moments are when we get to meet our favourite celebrities after seeing them in the audience at one of our shows! Some of the most memorable to me have been Elijah Wood, PINK, Ice-T, David Copperfield… there are so many!

Outside of Absinthe, what else have you been up to? I know earlier in the year you had a Wild West Burlesque show and a quick Google shows you have an album on iTunes called Burlesque in the Black. Are you developing other side projects?

At the moment I am working on a cover album titled ‘Covered in Sweets’. It will feature some of my favorite songs, but played with a burlesque, bump-and-grind kinda twist.

I can’t wait to share! I can’t wait until people start stripping all of their clothes off when they hear it!

Bump and grind burlesque… I’m not quite sure I understand, I’ll have to get a demonstration!

I think that’s it… I could ask more prying questions y’know like “are you married?” “would you like to move to Ireland and settle down?” “what side of the bed do you sleep on?” but those damn restraining orders don’t allow it unfortunately.

If our beloved readers would like to keep up to date on all things Melody Sweets, what’s the best way of doing so?

Stay in touch!  Your readers can find me through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and of course of

All that remains is to say thanks to you and of course the rest of the wonderful cast of Absinthe.

Thank you!!


Greatest goalkeeper never to play for Ireland at any level. A failed rock star. Now I take pretty pictures of Rock n' Roll, Burlesque and Political Activism.

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