Féile Liam O'Flynn - Naas and Kill - October 5th, 2024

This is the third year of Féile Liam O'Flynn, and it keeps getting better and better.  Every year it showcases the best of traditional Irish music talent, from both home and abroad.

So, who is Liam O'Flynn, you are probably asking.  Well, to put it simply, Liam O'Flynn was the Gary Moore of Uilleann Pipes.  A member of Planxty and the Bothy Band, Liam also played with the likes of Mark Knopfler, Kate Bush, Enya and a host of others.  

This year, amongst the many home grown musicians, we were joined by Cherish the Ladies in the Moat Theatre, and the legendary Altan, the festival closers, in Kill.

Sessions were held in pubs around Naas and Kill and, whilst I couldn't make them all, I did catch sessions in Kavanaghs, the Random Inn, the Potato Market and Fletchers in Naas.

For the four days of the festival, you couldn't walk through Naas without seeing seeing someone carrying a set of uilleann pipes!  The music was everywhere, all day, all night and, if you were lucky, in parties around the town.

If you haven't been to Féile Liam O'Flynn, might I suggest attending in 2025?  It is sure to be, given it's history, amazing.

Anyway, now for some photos:


Greatest goalkeeper never to play for Ireland at any level. A failed rock star. Now I take pretty pictures of Rock n' Roll, Burlesque and Political Activism.

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