2021-09-18 Sive - Moat Theatre, Naas

Tonight was the last of the 18 to 18 series of gigs in the Moat Theatre in Naas and what better way to close out the series, but with Sive.

I've seen Sive perform on many occasions, but this was the first time in a long time that she had a full band and it turned, what is normally a beautiful performance into a fantastic night of music, a wonderful way to end the series.

It's also worth mentioning the fantastic work put in by Tony Sourke, Celine Garvey and the team at the Moat Theatre for organising 18 to 18.  Well done!

Anyway, on to the photos:


##Sive performing ##Tenlach tonight in the ##MoatTheatre in ##Naas. ##LiveMusic ##Gigs ##IrishMusicParty ##Kildare ##Ireland

♬ original sound - IrishMJ


Greatest goalkeeper never to play for Ireland at any level. A failed rock star. Now I take pretty pictures of Rock n' Roll, Burlesque and Political Activism.

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