I thought I was done with gigs for 2023, but events conspired to have me in Dublin tonight, so here I am, sitting in Sin É, waiting on the rather good Insubs to play.
I've seen Insubs once before, a few years back, so it's about time I got to see the live again. I've been following their socials, listening to their music and they've been getting better and better, so I was pretty sure I was in for a good show.
I wasn't disappointed! Whilst Sin É is not the largest venue going, it's size helps creat a great atmosphere and, when it's packed with plenty of Insubs fans (including me), it could only ever be a fun time.
So, would I recommend going to see them? I most certainly would. Will I be going to see them again, I most certainly will, but hopefully in a venue that doesn't use blue lights!