So, how did I end up at Wake The Show? Well, that's simple. A friend of mine called and was telling me about the show and how I really should go see it and how it was very photographic and that I'd love it. I was sold on it, so, as soon as I hung up the call, and not knowing anything more about the show, I went and booked a ticket.
It's strange going to a show or a gig these days without a camera, but that's what I did last night. I think the last time I did it was for Bono's show, "Stories of Surrender", on Broadway. Mind you, that was an enforced policy, tonight's show was a personal choice!
Now, had I known that the audience were actively encouraged to take photos (no flash photography though, and definitely no video), I might just have brought my small Sony DSC-HX60, but I didn't, so I didn't.
Anyway, what was Wake The Show all about? Well, they explained that is was based on the Irish Wake. Now, I've been to many a wake and have enjoyed them (in as much as you can after someone has died), but I'd never been to one like this!
To quote them, audience members should "expect wild acrobatics, trad-with-a-twist, searing hot circus and outrageous cabaret" and that's is exactly what we got. I've been to cabaret shows around the world and this show was every bit as good as any show I've seen around the world.
Unfortunately, if you haven't seen the show yet, you are running out of time quickly as this current run of the show ends on March 23rd. Tickets can be got here, if you are quick!
I know I said I didn't have a camera with me, but I did have my phone with me and I managed to grab a few shots! They're not up to the normal quality, but sure...